Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Love Being a Mormon!

I really do.   My faith in Jesus Christ is my core value, my anchor, and my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helps me in my goal of drawing nearer to the Savior.
There are so many things I love about this church - pretty much everything.  I’ll do my best to list them but this is by no means comprehensive.
  • Priesthood ordinances – This is the only church that has God’s power and authority to perform ordinances, such as baptism.  I have been baptized by someone given authority from God.  It is a great blessing to me.
  • True doctrine – The scriptures are a source of knowledge to me and to many people in and out of the church, but there is still some confusion among Christians.  This church has the Book of Mormon and others scriptures that complement the Bible and offer clarification.  Additionally, living prophets receive revelation specifically for us who are living now.  Thirdly, I have learned to seek answers through study and prayer and to hear the whisperings of the Spirit.  This is my primary source of knowledge, the primary source, because it is personal revelation from God.  I have learned that what my church teaches is all true, and it is the full gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Friendship and fellowship – I have lived in several places, and everywhere I go I find great friends at church.  We have meetings on Sunday and activities during the week.  We fast and pray together, sing and worship together, work and serve together.  We bear testimony to each other.  I love being among friends of faith.
  • Service opportunities – When I serve others, it helps me understand the Savior better.  I feel His love for me and for those I serve, and it changes my heart.  Outside of the service I give within my family, I find the most service opportunities at church.
  • Goodness – “By their fruits ye shall know them.”  I see good fruits in the the teachings of the church as well as in the members.  Best of all, I have experienced the goodness.  I taste it and it is delicious.
  • It is Christ’s church.  He organized it, He is at the head.  It is His Kingdom on the Earth.
Some people misunderstand the church and really don’t like it; others think it’s fine but not for them.  I believe it’s for everyone.

“And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day.”        (Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 33:12)